Tuesday, July 5, 2011, 7:47:00 PM

iwann: ehh smalam aku g satu tempat nie. pelacur smua baik2 sial. gd service ttm nye! (irry just kept quite)
(Zul, rudy, rasheed & aisyah went speechless tooo)
bby: baik pe. kau tk tau nak ajak aku. g skrg uhh. mendak siol.
me: ahh bgos uhh tuhh. laki perangai da gian cm nie uhh.
bby: ehh u knape? wann jln uhh.
& they head to iwann's bike. O.O
i ran aft them & zul ran aft me. while crying,
me: b, u tkmo mepek uhh favour sia.
bby: ni euhh pompan, da bising kat kite beyy skrg nak melalak plak. leceh uhh.
me: *so heartbroken & return him back the necklace and ran*
didnt know that i was running towards a busy road. so i was hit and died.
second dream was, rewind back to the lepak part but iwann nvr say anything abt prostitudes. all of us were damn tired so we wann to go back to the chalet and off to bed. but we cant! cause there are "cik kaks" all around us!
-.-" what a dream mansssss! & idkw whenever a i dreamt abt breaking up w bby or wtvr bad dream abt my relationship w baby, zul will always be chasing aft me. hahahah! i think its because of whenever i gt prob w bby i always cry on Zul first. hehhs.
bf dreamt that he punched a guy who asked for my no. HAHAHAHAH! funny but cute. hehhs.
everyday without fail, i will always dream of baby, be it good or bad dreams. (: