Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8:07:00 PM
well, time pass by kinda slow for us in the morning. during break he text
b: if only time fly slow when im with you
m: awww <3 why u so sweet?
b: i feel like i just wanna spend time with u.
& later he texted
b: b, i gt a secret to tell u.
m: okayy what is it?
b: i miss you.
omg i re read the text like upteen times man. the last time i heard him confessing that he miss me was my 18th birthday. how long is that?
i love it when he called me up randomly. but it made me feel awkward /:
& throughout my relationship w bf, ive witnessed a lot of changes in him. im so thankful to see those effort made by him to change. insyaallah slowly he will eventually turn into a better man and guide me through. amin. ((:
i love u syg. cant wait to meet u tmr.